Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award -

Emily at Senseless Sophistication nominated me for a Stylish Blogger Award. I am pretty sure I will owe her Starbucks, wine and cheese for this nomination.

Here are the rules - I am supposed to share seven things about myself and then nominate 15 blogs for the Stylish Blogger Award.

1. I am socially awkward. This will not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me. I keep five close friends at a time and I currently have a few openings. I need really great friendships that have depth and substance. I don't have fluffy friends. If you are in my life, I care about you immensely, pray for you often and want the best for you.

2. I don't have a facebook page (please see #1). I know I should have a facebook page but I am not that cool and I doubt anyone cares what I am doing every minute of the day. My mom has a facebook page so you can befriend her if you need to know where I am and what I am doing.  YES - Jan has a facebook page!

3. I am a bona fide - out of the closet - freak flag flying  - CAT LADY! I love my furry kids and can't imagine my life without them.

4. I wish I had embraced my inner nerd in high school instead of pursuing cheerleading and coolness. I would have joined the math club, science club and debate club. I would have become a psychologist or a scientist working for the CDC.

5. My husband and I have been married for 16 years and we don't have children.  This is by choice much to the chagrin of my mother but we try to keep it real and kids haven't been in the plans for us so far. I still have a little time on my biological clock so I am not going to say we will never have them.

6. The first blog I ever read was I still read it every day. I love Heather Armstrong's sarcasm and wit. She writes about the things the rest of us only say in the comfort of our home and she doesn't apologize for it. Very cool.

7. I have an obsession with buying  high heels shoes that I never wear. I buy them all the time and put them on the shoe rack in my closet so I can see them everyday but I don't actually ever wear them. I think this may be part of an undiagnosed shopping illness. I pray that no one ever finds a cure!

Now the 15 blogs I stalk ...

Keep It Chic
Atlantis Home
A Country Farmhouse
My Favorite and My Best
The Gardener's Cottage
The Roof Over My Head
Anna Kuperberg
Things That Inspire
Grace Happens
Little Green Notebook
Two Ellie
Elements Of Style
Nest Egg
Mod Girl
Hi Sugar Plum


Anonymous said...

You failed to mention your coffee cup that confirms your cat write so should do it more often! I love you Wendi Lou Who!

Crave Sweets said...

After reading this, I definitely just friended Jan on facebook....just sayin!

Crave Sweets said...

More importantly....why does my things say Crave Sweets?!?! I told you I suck at this blog stuff!

the gardener's cottage said...

thank you for the mention and i have no business being on your list, those are some seriously great blogs there. i'm way too lame. you have a lovely blog here and i'm so excited for you that you have a horse. i adore horses too.
